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Everything You Should Know: Inmates' Rights in Pennsylvania

handcuffs in a prison cell

The United States Constitution protects all individuals, including those who are incarcerated. Prisoners retain many of the same civil rights they had before being incarcerated, such as the right to life, the right to freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, and the right to due process. If you believe your loved one’s constitutional rights have been violated while in prison, there are rights that protect them. Our team at Weisberg Law explains inmates’ rights and what they can do if the prison facility violates them.

How Often Are Prisoners' Rights Violated?

Prisoners' rights are violated more often than one would think. In fact, a study done in 2006 showed that nearly 60 percent of inmates had experienced some form of abuse while incarcerated. Prison abuse can come in many forms, such as:

  • Physical abuse

  • Sexual abuse

  • Mental or emotional abuse

There are a number of ways in which prisoners' rights can be violated. Some examples include being denied medical care, being placed in solitary confinement as punishment, and being subjected to excessive force by prison guards.

If you have been a victim of any of these forms of abuse, it is important to seek help immediately. Our team of experienced civil rights attorneys can help you protect your rights. There are also a number of organizations that can assist you, such as the Prisoners' Legal Advocacy Network and the Prisoners' Rights Project.

Pennsylvania Laws that Protect Prison Inmates'

There are a number of Pennsylvania laws that protect prisoners' rights, such as the Prison Litigation Reform Act and the Prisoners' Bill of Rights. These laws provide inmates with a number of protections, including:

  1. The right to file a lawsuit if their constitutional rights have been violated

  2. The right to be free from retaliation if they file a complaint about abuse or harassment

  3. The right to access legal resources and assistance

Prison Facilities' Responsibilities

Prison facilities also have a number of responsibilities when it comes to protecting prisoners' rights. They are required to:

  • Provide adequate medical and mental health care

  • Maintain safe and sanitary conditions

  • Protect prisoners from abuse and harassment

Common Injuries Sustained in Prison

There are a number of injuries that prisoners can sustain while incarcerated. These injuries can be the result of abuse, negligence, or even just the conditions of the prison itself. Some common injuries that prisoners sustain include:

  • Broken bones

  • Lacerations

  • Internal bleeding

  • Organ damage

  • Brain damage

If you have been injured while in prison, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. You should also contact an experienced civil rights attorney to discuss your legal options.

What Can I Do If My Prisoner's Rights Have Been Violated?

There are a few different avenues you can take if you believe your rights have been violated while in prison. You can file a grievance with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections or contact an attorney who specializes in prisoners' rights.

Get In Touch With Our Pennsylvania Prison Rights Attorneys

Prisoners' rights are an important issue that doesn't get nearly enough attention. If you or a loved one has been the victim of abuse or neglect while incarcerated, don't hesitate to reach out to an experienced attorney who can help you protect your rights. Our team at Weisberg Law is here to help you through this difficult time. We can help you obtain the compensation you deserve after suffering injuries or poor living conditions. Our team can investigate your case and help you understand your options.

Contact our Pennsylvania prison rights lawyers today at (610) 550-8042 to schedule a consultation!
